Applications are invited for the one post of Junior Research Fellow in the NBHM (DAE, Govt. of India)
funded research project entitled as “Existence of global classical solution to the interaction of bi-symmetric four planar rarefaction waves”. The tentative date of interview is September 02, 2021 (Thursday) 12:30 pm onward in the office of Head, Department of Mathematics (or Online Mode).
How to Apply
Interested candidates are requested to submit a detailed CV to Dr. M. Zafar, Department of Mathematics, NIT
Jalandhar, via e-mail: [email protected] with subject line “JRF Application(Your Name)” latest by August 30, 2021. CV should include details of academic grades
starting from X standard onwards with details of year of passing, university or college, etc. and also work experience and nature of work if applicable. Complete details of NET/GATE(if exists) such as year of passing, discipline and marks should be mentioned in the CV.
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