Walk in interview for one post of Young Professional in the scheme “Development of the Hermetic System for Safe Storage of Agricultural Produce Without Using Hazardous Chemicala”, Misc- 184, (PC- 5122)” shall be conducted in the office of Head, Department of Processing & Food Engineering on 21-03-2022 at 11:00 A.M. The interested candidates fulfilling the following qualifications criteria should appear for the interview along with 2 latest passport size photographs, original and self-attested photo copy of all relevant documents and one draft of Rs. 200 in favour of The Comptroller, PAU.
The qualifications proposed for this position are as under:
B.Tech (Agricultural Engineering) with OCPA of 6.00/10.00 basis or 60% marks.
M. Tech. in Processing & Food Engineering/Food Engineering and Technology/Post Harvest Engineering or equivalent with minimum OCPA of 6.50/10.00 basis or 65% marks.
The candidate, who does not possess Master’s degree in the relevant subject but possesses Ph.D. Degree in the discipline required at Master’s level, shall be eligible for the post.
Preference for with knowledge of IT applications, virtual meeting platforms and computer skills etc
The amount of first full month of remuneration payable to the Young Professional will be kept as security with the University and it will be paid to him/her as and when he/she leaves the after giving the requisite one month’s notice.
The engagement will purely be on temporary basis for a period up to six months from the date of appointment or till the termination of the scheme whichever is earlier.
No separate information for interview will be sent. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.