School of Agricultural Biotechnology
PAU, Ludhiana
Subject: Extension in date of submission of application form for one post of Project Associate-l at a fixed salary of Rs 31,000/- per month fixed + 16% HRA in the Project "Mapping of phytophthora resistance in intergeneric rootstock population and development of improved rootstock in citrus" CSS-I17 (PC- 6322).
Please refer to this office advertisement no. 5242-91 dated 07.01 .2022 vide which it was informed that the submission of applications for one post of Project Associate-l at a fixed salary of Ca) Rs 31,000/- per month fixed + 16% HRA in the above mentioned scheme was 13.01.2022 and the interview scheduled on 17.01.2022 at 11.00 a.m. offline was postponed due to code of conduct . So the last date submission submission of applications is hereby extended upto 25.03.2022. The interview for the above said post will be held on 30.03.2022 at 11.00 a.m. offline in the office of undersigned.
School of Agricultural Biotechnology
PAU, Ludhiana
Memo No:7309
Dated: 17-03-2022