In the Central Armed Police Forces, the Indian government has reportedly decided to fill 84405 posts (CAPFs). According to Nityanand Rai, the Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, as of today, July 27th, 2022, there are 84405 positions open in a number of CAPFs, including Assam Rifle, Border Security Force (BSF), Central Industry Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Indo Tibetan Police Force (ITBP), and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB). The specified openings will be filled by December 2023.
He said that each Central Armed Police Force had a sanctioned strength of 10,05,779, with 84405 open positions.
He said, “9659 postings are open in the Assam Rifles, 19254 in the BSF, 10918 in the CISF, 29985 in the CRPF, 3187 in the ITBP, and 11402 in the SSB.”
In answer to enquiries about the number of sanctioned openings, open positions, and the actions to be taken to fill these vacancies, the Union Minister provided the information above. Aspirants can review the information on the vaccinations below