Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) invites online applications from Indian nationals for recruitment to the posts of Scientist-B.
Candidates declared successful for the post of Scientist-B will be recommended for
appointment in the level 10 (7th CPC) of the Pay Matrix (Rs.56,100 – 177500) plus allowances as admissible under the rules/orders of ICFRE.
The candidates selected against the posts in the above disciplines will be posted in any of
the Institutes/Centres of the Council at Dehradun, Jabalpur, Jodhpur, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Jorhat, Shimla, Ranchi, Hyderabad, Prayagraj, Chhindwara, Agartala, Aizwal and Vishakapatnam. However, all posts carry liability to serve any of the institutes/centres under ICFRE within India.
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Check out more jobs from the links below.
Download more previous papers of the TET and HPPSC from the link given below.
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For all job updates and previous paper.