Assistant officer, assistant manager, deputy officer recruitment out at PFC INDIA.
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Assistant officer, assistant manager, deputy officer recruitment out at PFC INDIA.

 Power Finance Corporation Limited is hiring candidates for Assistant Officer, Deputy Officer and Assistant Manager Posts to work at their organization. The total number of vacant positions is 22. The total number of projected vacancies indicated in this advertisement may increase/ decrease/ be canceled at the discretion of PFC Management, if the need so arises, without any further notice and without assigning any reason thereof. The pay scale will be between Rs. 30000 to Rs. 180000. The Maximum Age Limit for Applying for Posts is up to 35 years.

Before filling out the application, please make sure you are eligible and fulfill all the prescribed qualifications and experiences for the post as per the advertisement. All qualifications should be from Universities/Institutions recognized and approved in India by AICTE/ UGC / appropriate statutory authority. Candidates belonging to Central Govt./ State Govt. / PSU/ Public Sector Banks/ Autonomous bodies shall normally submit their application through the proper channel. However, in the event of difficulty in getting a NOC, they may submit their application online directly and they can produce NOC later from their organization, in case they are shortlisted for the selection process.

Eligible applicants would be required to Register and Apply Online through PFC’s website i.e. (career page). The last date to apply is October 14, 2022.

Click here to view the notification

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