Shivaji College, Delhi University is hiring eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Professor, in various subjects/ departments of the college. Interested candidates who meets the required eligibility criteria can apply online for the post of Assistant Professor by visiting the official website of the College at The last date for submission of the application is November 07, 2022, or within two weeks from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News, whichever is later. A total of 101 vacant posts will be filled through this recruitment drive.
Candidates can check the important dates, vacancies, and other details in the pdf file below.
- Biochemistry: 03 posts
- Botany: 05 posts
- Chemistry: 10 posts
- Commerce: 12 posts
- Computer Science: 04 posts
- Economics: 05 posts
- English: 04 posts
- Environmental Science: 02 posts
- Geography: 05 posts
- Hindi: 07 posts
- History: 04 posts
- Mathematics: 06 posts
- Physical Education: 1 post
- Physics: 12 posts
- Political Science: 10 posts
- Sanskrit: 2 posts
- Sociology:1 post
- Zoology: 8 posts
Click here for the official notification
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