Airports Authority of India (AAI) is hiring eligible candidates for the post of Junior Executive (in various departments). As per the official AAI Recruitment 2022 notification, there are only 596 vacancies. Before submitting the application, the candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility criteria laid down in this advertisement. The candidature will be purely provisional, subject to eligibility and other verifications before and after his/her appointment in AAI. Information such as date of birth, Category and Sub-Category [SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/EWS/PWD/Ex-Serviceman, etc,] email Id once filled by the candidate in the online application form will not be changed under any circumstances.
The last date for application submission is 21st January 2023. The eligibility under the category of persons with disabilities is for those with 40% or more disabilities. No claim of possessing a qualification equivalent to the prescribed qualification shall be entertained. Where a specialization is required in the qualifying degree, the candidate must produce an order/ letter indicating the Authority (with number and date) clearly specifying the specialization in the qualifying degree. In the case of an Integrated Master’s Degree in Engineering, the candidate will have to produce a certificate at the time of document verification in support of the possession of a Graduate Degree and a statement of marks issued by the University/Institution.
Click here for the official notification