Airports Authority of India (AAI), is seeking applications from interested and eligible candidates for the post of Security Screener. As per the official notification of AAI Recruitment 2023, the maximum age limit is 50 years to apply for a given post. The appointment is based on a contract. The selected candidates will be engaged for a period of 03 years. The place of posting will be Raipur Airport. As mentioned in the official notification of AAI Recruitment 2023, the total number of 25 vacant seats are available for the given post. The selection will be based on an interview. The selected candidates will be given a basic pay of Rs.15000.
In accordance with the official notification of AAI Recruitment 2023, interested and eligible candidates can download the prescribed format from the official notification and submit the same duly filled in along with the relevant documents at the time of the interview. The interview will be held on 12.06.2023 (10:00 AM) in the Conference Hall, 1st Floor, AAI, Old Terminal Building, S.V. Airport, Raipur-492015. Latecomers are not permitted for the interview.
Click here for the official notification