Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navaratna Company and India’s premier professional Electronics Company under the Ministry of Defence, is receiving applications from eligible candidates for the Trainee Engineer and Project Engineer post on a contract basis. According to the official notice of BEL Recruitment 2023, the total number of vacancies is 205 to be filled up for Bengaluru, Maharashtra, and Across India. Candidates as Trainee Engineers will be appointed for 6 months, whereas Project Engineers will be employed for 2 years. The shortlisted candidates will be paid a monthly salary of up to Rs.55,000 as mentioned in the official notice. The upper age limit of candidates will be determined based on selection criteria.
According to the official notice of BEL Recruitment 2023, candidates interested in applying for the given positions should apply online by clicking the relevant link provided in the advertisement. Candidates must input all information accurately in the online application form and verify it before submission. Candidates must pay an application fee based on their position, with Project Engineer applicants needing to pay Rs. 472 and Trainee Engineer applicants are required to pay Rs.177/-. Candidates working on a permanent or fixed-term basis in PSUs or government organizations must submit their applications through appropriate channels or present a ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of the interview.
According to the official notice of BEL Recruitment 2023, the post advertisement was published on 07.06.2023.
Click here for the official notification