Walk-in Interview will be held in Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 AFS Adampur, Dist. Jalandhar on 03.07.2023, Monday, from 09:00 a.m. Onwards for the following posts: (Primary Teacher, PGT - (Computer, Geography), TGT (Science), Computer Instructor, Special Educator, Counsellor & Sports
Coach for preparing their select panel for the session 2023-24. The eligible candidates have to fill online GOOGLE FORM (link given on Vidyalaya website) i.e.
latest by 02.07.2023 till 4 p.m. Also download application form from Vidyalaya website and bring the same on the day of interview. For more information visit Vidyalaya website regularly.
Google form Link:
हमारी पोस्ट्स उपयोगी लगती हो तो हमारे Facebook page को like जरूर करें ताकि आपके पास हर अपडेट पहुंचता रहे।
Check out more jobs from the links below.
Download more previous papers of the TET and HPPSC from the link given below.
हर govt जोब के अपडेट के लिए हमारे Facebook page को लाइक जरूर करें | हमारे page औंर channel का link नीचे दिए गए हैं|
For all job updates and previous paper.