Sports Authority of India (SAI) is inviting applications from eligible candidates to fill up 53 vacancies for the posts of Head, Senior Head, Manager, Lead and Sports Associate. According to the official notification of SAI recruitment 2023, the appointment is made on a contractual basis for a period of 2 years extendable by one year at a time upto a maximum tenure of five years i.e. 2+1+1+1 on the basis of satisfactory performance. As mentioned in the official notification of SAI recruitment 2023, the selected candidate will be given a monthly salary of up to Rs. 265000.
All the applications received will be shortlisted on the basis of eligibility and shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. As given in the official notification of SAI recruitment 2023, interested and eligible candidate can apply online through the official website. The online application starts from 15.06.23.
Click here for the official notification