Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Regional office Jaipur invites online applications from qualified and eligible Indian citizens for empanelment / engagement of staff against following posts (PGTs, TGTs, Misc Category Teachers (Art, Music, PET, Librarian), staff Nurse and FCSAs purely on contract basis for the academic session 2023-24 in JNVs in the States of Rajasthan, Haryana & Delhi through designated link (online form/ portal) mentioned below against each category of post.
JNVs are co-educational, fully residential schools up to Senior Secondary level and are located in rural areas. JNVs being fully residential institutions, the teachers are required to stay in the Vidyalaya campus for which rent free accommodation as available are provided.
Last date to apply 12/06/2023

Apply for the above mentioned post from the link given below.
हमारी पोस्ट्स उपयोगी लगती हो तो हमारे Facebook page को like जरूर करें ताकि आपके पास हर अपडेट पहुंचता रहे।
Check out more jobs from the links below.
Download more previous papers of the TET and HPPSC from the link given below.
हर govt जोब के अपडेट के लिए हमारे Facebook page को लाइक जरूर करें | हमारे page औंर channel का link नीचे दिए गए हैं|
For all job updates and previous paper.