EPFO is inviting applications for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Auditor. Referring to the official notification of EPFO Recruitment 2023, the aspirants will get a monthly salary minimum of Rs. 9300 and a maximum of Rs. 34800 for different posts in levels 6 and 5. The candidate will be assigned to work in Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Goa, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jalpaiguri, Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Ranchi, Thrivanampuram, Ahmedabad, and Bangalore.
Based on the official notification of EPFO Recruitment 2023, there are a total of 56 vacancies for the mentioned posts. The candidates must be officers of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, Central Government, or State Government. In order to apply for EPFO Recruitment 2023, suitable and eligible candidates who fulfil the below criteria may submit their application form neatly typed in the prescribed format along with copies of APARs duly attested for the preceding 5 years and the latest vigilance clearance and integrity certificate issued by the controlling authority and forward to Shri Shahid Iqbal, Regional Provident Fund Commissioner-I (HRM-III), Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi -110066. The closing date for submitting the application form is 45 days from the date of notification.
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