Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is looking for desirous and willing candidates for the post of Junior Consultant and Associate Consultant. There are 17 vacant seats available for ONGC Recruitment 2023. The appointment is made on a contract basis for a period of 02 years. The chosen candidates will be given a monthly salary up to Rs.70000. The candidates will be selected on the basis of a written test and interaction/interview. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview.
To Apply for ONGC Recruitment 2023, retired ONGC executives who retired at E1 to E3 level for Junior consultant posts and at E4 to E5 level for Associate consultant posts from Production/Drilling discipline with at least 5 years of experience in Work Over/Drilling field operations are eligible. The written test and interview will be held at ONGC, Ahmedabad. According to the official notification of ONGC Recruitment 2023, candidates who meet the requirements can submit their scanned copy of the application in the attached format along with the supporting documents to the Contract Cell, Room No131B, 1st floor, Avani Bhavan, ONGC, Ahmedabad Asset, Gujarat and may also the application form by email to [email protected] on or before the due date. Application received after the due date will be summarily REJECTED.
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