The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Research Associates (RA) and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF). As informed in the official notification of DRDO Recruitment 2023, the applicant’s age limit of RA should not exceed 35 years and 28 years for JRF. The contract will be for two years only, but it may be extended.

According to the official notification of DRDO Recruitment 2023, there are now 9 vacant seats for the aforementioned position. The chosen applicants will receive a monthly salary upto Rs.67000. The selection of the applicants will be based on a walk-in interview. Candidates will be chosen through a walk-in interview. The place of posting will be the Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur (Rajasthan). Based on the official notification of DRDO Recruitment 2023, the candidates walk in interview will be held at Defence Laboratory, Dr Ds Kothari Marg, Ratanada Palace, Ratanada, Jodhpur-342 011 (Rajasthan)

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