The Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) is accepting applications from skilled applicants for the posts of Junior Research Fellow (JPF), Junior Project Fellow (JPF), Field Assistant (FA) and Project Assistant (PA). In order to apply for ICFRE Recruitment 2024, the applicant must hold 1st Class M.Sc. in Botany/Biotechnology/Agriculture / Forestry/ Life Science with NET Qualification or any other National Level examination conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies and institutions as DST, DBT, DAE, DCS, DRDO, NHRD, ICMR, IIT, ISSC, IISER etc.
Referring to the official notification of ICFRE Recruitment 2024, there are 16 seats available for the specified positions. The chosen applicant will be paid a salary of up to Rs. 37000 per month. According to the official notification of ICFRE Recruitment 2024, the selection process will be based on walk-in interviews. The interview will be held at ICFRE- Institute of Forest Productivity (ICFRE-I.F.P). Ranchi on 12-06-2024.
Click here for the official notification