The Parliament of India is hiring retired aspirants for Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Secretariats, Central/State Government(s), State Legislature Secretariats, Autonomous bodies, Central/State Public Sector Undertaking(s), Supreme Court of India / High Courts and local bodies for empanelment of Consultant Interpreters for Regional Languages on contractual basis in Lok Sabha Secretariat. Based on the official notification of Parliament of India Recruitment 2024, the applicant must have a Master’s Degree in any discipline. The applicants should have relevant years of experience in their appropriate field. There are a total of 18 vacancies for the assigned position.
In order to apply for Parliament of India Recruitment 2024, the age limit for the assigned position should be between 22 to 70 years. As per the official notification of Parliament of India Recruitment 2024, applicant selection will comprise of the Oration Test / Simultaneous Interpretation Tests which will be conducted by the committee.
Click here for the official notification
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