Applications on plain paper with complete bio-data including contact number/mobile number/email address alongwith attested copies of relevant testimonials i.e. proof of qualification, date of birth, belonging to reserved category, two passport size photographs out of which one should be pasted on the right upper side of the application, are invited in the office of the undersigned, on or before 24.02.2025 upto 05.00 p.m., to fill up 09 anticipated posts of Peon. The qualification and other criteria to fill up the said posts are as under:
Download complete notification regarding recruitment in the pdf format from the link given below.
1 The candidates from all the ‘categories can apply. The number of posts may be increased or decreased.
2, If, no candidate from reserve category is found suitable then the said post will be offered to the candidate te belongs to General Category, ds per rules.
3. Interview for the posts of PEON will be conducted as per the following schedule, with
the names of the candidates starting on the following alphabets:-
AtoM : 03.03.2025
NtoZ 04.03.2025
4. The candidates appearing for the above said posts shall bring their original testimonials and proof of identity and proof of reserve category.
5. Incomplete applications will be rejected. The Candidates should mention the name of the post for which he/she has to apply, on the application as well as on the envelope of the application.
The candidates should be between the age of 18 to 35 years as on 01.01.2025. Relaxation in age will be given to the candidates belong to reserve categories as per the instructions of the Hon'blé High Court as well as the instructions issued by the Punjab Government from time to time.
7. The office reserves the right to cancel or postpone the interview for the said posts owing to some administrative reasons without any prior intimation.
8. The Pay/Salary with regard to aforesaid posts, shall be admissible as per instructions issued by the Hon'ble High Court or by the Government of Punjab, as the case may be.
9. . All the eligible candidates are directed to remain in touch with the official website of this office for any further information, i.e. https:/
10. No separate letter will be issued for calling the eligible candidates.
11. The applications received after due date shall not be entertained.
12. No T.A./D.A. will be paid to the candidates appearing for the interview.
13. Any information regarding the above said posts can be obtained from the office of undersigned, on contact number 01822-297201, during office hours.