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Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill 03 (three) posts of Process Server in the pay scale of Rs. 16900-53500 (Level DL) and 16 (sixteen) posts of Peon/Additional peon/Chowkidar etc. in the pay scale of Rs. Rs. 16900-53500/- purely temporary but likely to be permanent by way of direct recruitment.

Download complete notification regarding recruitment in the pdf format from the link given below. 

The number of vacancies may increase or decrease due to creation or withdrawal of courts, retirements, promotions, adjustment of surplus staff or otherwise, during the selection process. No intimation in this regard will be issued separately. The selection for the aforesaid posts shall be made strictly in accordance with amended Rule 7 of the Haryana Subordinate Courts Establishment (Recruitment and General Conditions of Service) Rules, 1997.

1.Essential Qualification

Process Server: Matriculate with knowledge of Hindi or Punjabi

Peon: Middle standard and knowledge of Hindi/Punjabi.

The applicant should fulfill the condition of qualification on the last date of receipt of application i.e. 03.03.2025.

2. Age Limit: No person shall be recruited to the service if he/she is less than 18 years or is more than 42 years of age as on 01.01.2025, provided that relaxation in upper age limit is admissible to
the reserved categories as per instructions of the Hon’ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh and/or Haryana Government.

3. Reservation:

i) The benefit of reservation is admissible only to bonafide domiciles/residents of State of Haryana as per Government of Haryana letter No. 22/67/81-3GS III dated 15.07.1985.

ii) As per explanation to Rule 7

(iii) of Haryana Subordinate Courts Establishment (Recruitment and General Conditions of Service) Rules, 1997 ‘Where No candidate of reserved category is available then appointment would be made from general category’.

4. Last date: The last date for receipt of the applications by post or by hand in the office of the undersigned i.e. The District and Sessions Judge, Rohtak is 03.03.2025 upto 05:00 pm.

Applications received thereafter shall be straightway refused without any further correspondence. Delay on the part of the postal or other authorities shall be no ground for entertaining the applications received after due date. Applications received through e-mail would
not be entertained/accepted in any manner.

5. Candidates working in the Government Department, Semi-Govt. Department, any Government Corporation/Board/Institution are required to apply through proper channel.

6. Application Form can be downloaded from the website of District Courts Rohtak i.e. 

7. One latest passport size colored photograph must be affixed on the application form in the
given space and self attested photocopies of the educational documents and certificates regarding category (caste), experience etc. must be attached with the application form. The candidates are required to bring their original testimonials and proof of identity at the time of
interview/reporting time.

8. The applicants should disclose all their educational qualifications and other declaration/certificate in the application form. 

9. Incomplete applications or applications received without requisite documents shall be rejected straightway without assigning any reason whatsoever. No correspondence, whatsoever shall be entertained in respect of incomplete applications or those which are refused by this office for receipt after expiry of the last date i.e. 03.03.2025. However, rejection list would be uploaded on the website of this office on scrutiny of applications. 

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